preschooling at home

in which nics begins her homeschooling experiment with ee

Thursday, October 20, 2005

When did it become expected that any kid over the age of two should be in school? Today some hag at the grocery store raised her eyebrows at me and asked about ee sitting pleasantly in the cart instead of being in school. I'm beginning to think that all that idle chit-chat with neighbors and friends about preschool may not be so idle. I can just imagine the conversations when I leave.

"No preschool?" (raised eyebrows all around)

"Poor ee. She'll never amount to anything running around in a diaper all day, covered in paint and mud."

"She needs the socialization. Imagine not wanting to share her toys! My two year old hasn't thrown one temper tantrum since he started school. If only we could get him to stop biting ."


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